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Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Monday, March 23, 2009


Well, it has been awhile since I was last on here and soo much has happened! Brayden is 5 months now and has grown so quickly! He is a little over 15 pounds and 26 inches long....my baby is getting big! A few days before he turned 5 months I put him on the floor to play and he tried to crawl. He hasn't gotten it down yet, but he is trying soo hard! He has also mastered rolling over, so much that changing his diaper or clothes is a major task! As soon as he is put on his back he wants to roll over. The funniest part was I laid him on the bed the other night after his bath to dry him off and no sooner than he hit the bed he was rolled over and trying to crawl....butt naked! I laughed soo hard and hoped that he wouldn't pee on my bed! He is soo adorable! He also loves to sleep on his tummy now....must have gotten that from me. We put him to bed on his back and he flips over almost immediately. He has gotten so smart over the past 5 months. He loves to roll around everywhere and play with his toys! He has a little laptop that we got him for Christmas that he enjoys the most! Here are some recent pics of our lil' prince:

Here are some pictures of Brayden on his 1st St. Patrick's Day:

So much has been happening these past few months! Jon took me to San Antonio the weekend after Valentine's Day for a much needed getaway! We stayed at the Grand Hyatt on the Riverwalk and had a wonderful time! We drank a huge, 32 ounce, margarita, and we ate at the Rainforest Cafe. Brayden went to his 1st birthday party for his cousin Kaitlyn, who turned 1! Other than that we have just been busy with the little man and our family! We have been working on stuff around the house to try to get it sold so that we can move! We continue to look forward to the many amazements that our son holds! I will try to update more often since he is becoming more active and learning more things! My life has truely been blessed by my little boy! He has taught me soo much and watching him grow makes me wonder what I was like when I was his age. The past 5 months have been some of the roughest months of my life, but they have been a huge learning experience for me and I wouldn't change anything that has happened! I love my life, my husband, and my son!